One Lovely Liebster Blog

Well, this should tell you how new I am to blogging.

I had been nominated for a couple of awards and like any good nominee, I was planning my outfit for the awards ceremony. Would I go with my usual blogging attire or would I go with the outfit I alluded to in a previous post, Follow Me, My Pretties ?

Cheetah print hot pants
What’s scarier, that I have a pair of these or that I might wear them?

Oh yeah, I’ll go there.

As it turns out, being nominated IS the award…?

I’ve apparently been snubbing my nominee-ers, treating them like they had submitted my name to the “Academy”, when it was actually more like “Hey idiot, your blog doesn’t suck. Congratulations.”

So without further ado, my acceptance speech.

One Lovely Blog AwardLiebster Blog Award

My Nominee-ers

Talkin’ Shit
Where it all started… this man tells it like it is, and writes without caring what you think. If the award Gods allowed it, there would be an endless game of “You’re it!” with our nominations of each other. They have already smote me for even thinking about it.

A really lovely site dedicated to reviewing books. Well organized, honest reviews, and looking for some more books. If you need your book reviewed and you’re looking for another set of eyes, attached to a lovely brain, go here.

White Pumpkin
Even though she called me pithy nonsense, I still love to find her poetry in my reader. You’ll get a bit of everything and you’ll like it.

Spilling My Guts Part

Each award has their own set of rules for this part. I will attempt to satisfy both by answering questions and including in the answer, random facts about me. However, I will be cherry picking the easier questions and making some up when that fails.

1. Are you an early-bird or a night-owl?
I am a hate-sleep-falcon. We exist and attempt to find least amount of sleep required to not die. That goal led to me trying Polyphasic Sleeping. I lasted 10 days, felt great, but my family mistook me for a zombie and taking a nap at midnight on New Year’s Eve was the final straw for my wife.

2. If you could only drink one thing in order to survive, what would it be?
I am currently trying every energy drink known to man and ranking them according to taste. The drink that sits comfortably atop the list: Ubermonster. If you have suggestions, throw them at me.

3. Who inspires you to be a better you?

My girls.

Oh yeah, a random fact. I once responded to being punched in the face with “I guess I am just disappointed that you would do that.”

4. How would you describe your blog using less than five words?
Readers covered in barf.

My Nominees

I know I am supposed to nominate 37 other blogs but I feel like that cheapens it, as I am still pretending that this is an award. Therefore, I give you my four nominees. Please visit them!

Ninety Nine Percent Gaming
I look forward to every post from this blog. He understands the passion behind gaming and captures it precisely. Oh and the man can write.

How To Make a Baby
Only two posts thus far, but his first one made my year. If you read nothing else, read this post.

The Weekly Show
I am a nerd and this blog is a sweet injection of science porn.

Little Quiet Girl
A change of pace from the blogs above but I enjoy her honesty and willingness to speak her mind, whatever it my be.


If you made it this far, you deserve an award. Here you go.

8 thoughts on “One Lovely Liebster Blog

  1. shadowoperator says:

    Dear Peter, Though I can’t give you an award and I understand your quibbles with the Liebster (a lot of work for one award, but you may always be Freshly Pressed again, it’s happened to others, so stay hopeful), I had myself just written up your blogsite on my post for today (August 27, title is quote from Twain, and what he says goes for blogs as well as books). I think I gave you a good and fair review. Anyway, I had no sooner got on my e-mail to check for posts and comments updates than I saw this post of yours–happy serendipity! Anyway, if you care to read my post and get my opinion of your site (entirely favorable, I think) I’m at If you have too much to do with all your recent fame (and wouldn’t it be great if it were accompanied with fortune as well?) to come over, that’s okay too. The great need their rest (he!he!). Enjoy your kudos, and all the best, shadowoperator

  2. Ruth Rainwater says:

    Congratulations on your awards! And I had the same issue; when I received an email that I was nominated for an award, I thought it meant some committee would pick a winner. I’m not new to blogging but am new to WordPress. Hmm. Guess I need to go back and look at that nomination again, say my mea culpas, and pass it along. 😦

    1. Peter Monaco says:

      Your wording is spot on; the award is most definitely a “chain letter” type thing but it’s a great way to spotlight blogs you’ve enjoyed that other people might not know about.

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