That’s, Like, a Lot of Words

Words barfed: 2,081 (125% of Daily Goal)

Total words: 7,123 (86% on Monthly Pace)

You know whats funny?

I spent over a month earlier this year (in fact, right before my first blog post) writing the first chapter of a book. In my mind, it’s pretty good but still has a lot of work to make it viable. About 6,000 words.

In 5 days of NaNoWrimo hell (4 days of actual writing, if you can call it that), I’ve managed 7,123 words. Granted, I am so embarrassed over the quality that I had to yell at my wife to get her to stop reading over my shoulder. She thought I was being mean, but really I was just trying to save our marriage. No way she’d still respect me. Even am not reading what I have written until December 1st.

Or maybe I will start my editing on December 21st, since that is apparently when the world is going to end. That way, if sifting through my NaNoWriMo barf turns me into mush, I won’t be mushy for long.

Cheers to getting back on track.

May you all be possessed by demons. And I mean that in the best way possible.

5 thoughts on “That’s, Like, a Lot of Words

  1. Julia Swancy says:

    I have also forbidden myself from reading until some unspecified time after November 30. Perhaps I’ll hold out for an apocalypse so I don’t have to acknowledge the worthlessness of my endeavor. Catch up with me (I made it to 10,111 words yesterday!) and you may have an entire jelly doughnut! 😉

  2. JenniferVaughn says:

    Congratulations on your word count! It appears there’s something to be said about writing while you’re awake (and not using your phone to do it).

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